For the past few months I've had an itch to change our Internet service. I really need a faster Internet connection for the type of work that I've been doing online. It would benefit me in so many ways. I just can't seem to make up my mind on which company to go with. Absolutely none of the deals have appealed to me until now. I just came across this amazing
black friday deal at Charter. They are offering this awesome package called the ultimate service bundle priced at $165.97. In this bundle package you'll receive high speed Internet at 10 mega bites per second. A TV package that includes digital home service, Charter HD, sports view, digital view, HBO, Cinemax, Starz, Encore, Showtime and the Movie Channel. Wow, that's a great holiday deal. On top of all this great entertainment, you'll also receive unlimited calling and a $250.00 gift certificate to such great places as Marshalls, Barnes & Noble, Macy's, CVS Pharmacy and many more. Oh, I almost forgot, you'll also get a chance to win an X-box 360 game console. My hubby really wants a new game system. Stop by Charter and check out their fantastic online deals. They have so much to offer with such great holiday prices.

I did go shopping on Black Friday and I think I did get some great deals. I took The Hubby with me. It was his first time. He couldn't believe how many people were out so early.