I often forget what an amazing country The United States is. It's the land of the free, the land of opportunity. This is only possible because of the hero's that protect our country with their lives. Our military veterans and our men and women who are currently in the military make this all possible. Our military veterans were fighting for my freedom way before I was even a twinkle in my mothers’ eyes, and are still fighting for these rights today. I can't imagine how the families of these service men and women feel. I'm sure there are feelings of extreme pride and yet feelings of great sadness when these hero's go off to war. In remembrance of yesterday and today’s hero's there is a wonderful program, which is sponsored by Sears, called Hero's at home. It helps support our military service men, women, veterans and their families. This is possible through the efforts of many non-profit organizations. This year Sears has opened up this program to all American's who want to show their thanks by granting a wish for these wonderful hero's and their families. I feel it's so extremely important to give thanks this year. By donating you will be helping out these families who don't have a husband or wife at home to help out with simple family life. Can you imagine as a child not having your mom or dad home for Christmas? I'm thankful that I never had to experience this. My father was in the Vietnam War, but by the time I was born in 1969 he was safe at home. Making a small donation may put a smile on a child's sweet face this year. Currently with the poor economy in the United States this year I feel it’s important to help a family in need. The hero’s at home program is the perfect opportunity to donate to those in need. Stop by the
Sears Heroes at Home Wish Registry and read what these amazing families have to say.

Have a great Thanksgiving. Enjoy and don't eat to much :) I know that hard not to do.