The hubby and I were shopping on line for our little girl last night. We haven’t purchased anything yet because we need a baby sitter for our big shopping day. A few years ago I did all the Christmas shopping for our little one and the hubby was hurt that he wasn't included in my shopping adventure. So I make sure to include him in the Christmas gift choices each year now. There are three items we really want to get her for Christmas this year. I know it doesn't sound like a lot, but these are expensive items. We really want to get her the Fisher price Cool School Computer, Crayola wonder colors light up brush kit and this adorable ladybug stuffed animal, which is a from the Littlest Pet Shop Collection. Of course times are hard for everyone this year. My hubby's hours have been cut dramatically and we are wondering where we are getting the money to spend on Christmas gifts this year. I've noticed lately that retailers have brought back their layaway programs. I think this is a fantastic program. What a great way for people to buy their gifts and pay a little each week. I also was just informed that Sears has also offered a layaway program. How great is that? I can go buy that Craftsman drill that the hubby has been dreaming of for the past few months. I'll also be able to purchase the toys for my little girl. She will be so happy to see these gifts sitting under the tree Christmas morning. Santa will be good to her this year. If you have a tight budget for those Christmas gifts you should check out the
Sears Layaway program. It's the easiest way to purchase all those gifts for your loved ones.

Wow first Kmart now Sear have lay away, that's great. Oh that is right they have the same owner.