Saturday, February 21, 2009

Best Mom Award

Enchie over at Sweet Nothings and Chris over at The Mommy Journey just awarded me The Best Mom Award. Isn't it pretty?. This award couldn't of come at a better time for me. Enchie and Chris both have wonderful blogs just chalked full of interesting topics. I'm so flattered and feel truly honored to receive this award. I just wanted to send Enchie and Chris a huge thanks. So, thanks Girls! You're both so sweet. Now, I'm going to pass this fantastic award on to my fellow bloggers. I'm going to change the rules a little. Instead of naming individual mommies, I'm going to give it to all the mommies in my blog roll. All you moms out there deserve this award too. Feel free to grab the pretty picture and share the love. Enjoy!



  1. Congratulations on your award :)

  2. You're very welcome Michelle...warm hugs!

  3. Congrats on the award! I got that one from Chris, too - thanks for the reminder that I need to post it! LOL! I like how you changed the rules...I do that, too! ;)

  4. Cool, thanks for the award! You definately deserve it for all you have been through with your little one in the past week!! Hope all is better and you are able to rest!

  5. you deserve the award, dear :-)

  6. You really are a great mom! Congrats on the award!

  7. Congratulations ... you certainly deserve this award!
    Hugs and blessings,


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