Sunday, August 17, 2008

What Were They Smoking In The Movie Pineapple Express?

I can't wait to check out the new movie Pineapple Express. It looks totally hilarious. I'm always up for a good laugh to cheer me up. I saw the previews and I just couldn't figure out what the heck were the actors actually smoking. Well, I got my answer today. Let me explain. I caught a clip of the controversial fake weed stunt at the MTV Music awards when the actors from the movie Pineapple Express decided to freak the audience out. Of course, I also heard all the gossip on the news channels. Such actors as Robert Downey Jr., Will Smith, Rhiana, Chris Brown, Anne Hathaway, who were sitting in the front row looked completely shocked when the fake weed was set to a flame. From the amazed look on the actors faces the aroma must of smelt like the real deal. A company called International Oddities has produced roll your own legal bud hybrids. No, it's not marijuana and it's totally legal. These are high grade smokes that contain such buds as Krypto and Panama Gold Bud. These smokes are basically high grade cigarettes. These high grade smokes can be purchased at smokes shops nationwide or purchased directly from International Oddities. International Oddities products were used in almost every scene of the movie Pineapple Express. Sounds like International Oddities is gaining some fame with their smoking products. I'm sure we'll see more of this type of product from International Oddities in other movies to come. If you are a smoker and are looking for a new taste then this might just be what your looking for. Check this company out. They sure have some unique smoking products. I was truly amazed.


  1. Wow, I have never heard of this before.

  2. This post has come up for me too! I'm not doing it. But it's very interesting. I bet it took a lot of time and research to make fake weed.

  3. The movie WAS hilarious! I haven't laughed that much in a looong time...

    You definitely have to like that 'type' of movie....

  4. I have to see that movie!

  5. My hubby wants to see this movie. Looks like it might be good.

  6. Hi Michelle thanks for stopping by my blog by the way. I guess we are lucky in that sense to have bountiful of public transit! They are so everywhere sometimes they are annoying already! LAMO!

    Anyway, I don't smoke and I am a staunch anti-smoking person.

    I have heard of this kind of smoke though and other kinds of smoke with a tube and pipe and some weird looking laboratory bottles stuff kinda thingies they use . It's a hit in Dubai and they say it's "healthy" but I believe otherwise.

    Anything that is foreign to our body is unhealthy.

    So out of topic lol but I want to watch that movie too.


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