Thursday, September 25, 2008

How I Lost Weight

The past few months I've been struggling with extreme fatigue and some weight loss. I just couldn't figure it out. I just chalked it up to my busy life wearing me down. About a month ago I decided to head to the doctors because I thought I had an ear infection. She told me that there was no ear infection. It was only my allergies totally out of control. I figured since I was at her office I'd mention my fatigue. She ran some blood work and low and behold my results came back that I was mildly anemic. On top of the anemia, I was also fighting some type of infection in my body. My white blood cells were elevated. My doctor ended up putting me on 20 days of antibiotics and it's really done wonders. I'm starting to feel like my old self again. I'm so very happy!! My doctor suspects that I've been fighting a sinus infection. The only positive thing that's come out of of my health issue is that I've lost about six need pounds. I guess I didn't need those weight loss pills after all.


  1. I'd love the weight loss, but I'll pass on the infection. Glad you lost the weight....did you even need to?

  2. a very nice side effect i might say LOL, but please keep watch of your health. you're a very lovely woman already, no amount of fat could hide that fact!

  3. I keep asking you to join my weight loss meme! It's fun!

  4. Cool, on the accidental weight loss. If you cut a little calories then you'll keep the weight off... well, that's if you want to. I am fighting a sinus infection too so I know what you mean about the fatigue and whatnot. I am taking echinacea and some sinus meds. Glad you found the problem.

  5. Sorry about your struggle. I am anemic, too. It accounts for a lot of things that are otherwise enigmas. Glad you know your deal.


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