Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Have You Ever Played Golf?

I learned how to golf while in college. The college I attended required a physical Education credit for my degree. So my friend Shelly and I decided it would be an easy class to take. To be honest I was looking for a blow off class. It turned out to be anything but easy or a blow off class. There's a lot to golf that I never new about. For example the different type of shots, clubs, the correct way to stand and swing the club.. I have to admit that I spent a lot of time study to pass my exams, which included many hours out on the course trying to get my swing right. I still have a hard time with my swing. My friend and I had a fantastic time in this glass. We both have wonderful memories of how silly we looked while trying to learn this intricate game. In the end I eventually learned to love the game of golf. Though I'm not that great a player on the course. I do much better at the driving rang just messing around rather then playing a serious game. My friend Shelly became obsessed with game. When ever she has a free day she's out on the course enjoying the game. I'm sure if she could she'd live out on that course ran or shine. I know that's she's always looking for a new Golf shop to purchase her golfing supplies. I heard her mention recently that she's in the market for a new club. I can never figure out why she needs so many clubs. I do love golf but my game of choice would be billiards. Now this is sport that I’m good at. I love to play a challenging game of pool. Do you have a favorite sport?


  1. I'm not into golf, but I do like some miniature golf. We're big bowlers over here in our neck of the woods. We also like soccer and let's not forget...the Wii. LOL!

  2. I don't play but I love to drive the golf cart and go for drinks and snacks! LOL!

  3. I took golf lessons years ago when I lived in Phoenix. My Hubby is a big golfer. I found out I don't like to spend that much time playing golf. The driving range is ok. Maybe when I'm retired I will have the time and enjoy it. I really don't do sports. I live watching but not doing.

  4. I've been playing golf since I was old enough to hold a club. Our current home I refer to as my little version of hell, we live in a golf course yet due to two kids and no weekend babysitters I never get to play. My husband was very thoughtful and bought me a new set of clubs for Christmas. What a wonderful present. I sit here watching golfers with my new clubs that have yet to see a golf course three feet away. Thank goodness for Wii golf!


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