Monday, June 23, 2008

The page 123 meme

I was tagged by Sue to do the page 123 meme. The rules are pretty simple, and here goes:

1. Pick up the nearest book.

2. Open to page 123

3. Find the fifth sentence.

4. Post the next three sentences.

5. Tag five people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

I've been trying to get through the Face by Dean Koontz. It's just taking me a while. It's hard to read when you have a 3 year old always calling mommy. LOL!!

Ethan visited her grave six or seven times a year, including once at Christmas.

And Always on their anniversary.
He didn't know why he came that often.
Hannah didn't lie here, only her bones.

Okay, that was kind of creepy. I haven't even made it this far in the book. Wonder what it means?

I'm tagging


Sweet Daisy

Where The Road Takes Us

It's a Woman's World

I guess I only have four blog buddies to tag. Hope they play along.


  1. Cool... thanks! I'll do this on Tuesday. Uh, you may have to remind me! :-)

    I like Koontz too, but I haven't read one of his books in awhile!

  2. Whoops! I'm running behind this week :)

    Thanks for the tag!


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