Thursday, June 4, 2009

I'm a Facebookaholic

Hello my name is Michelle and I'm a facebookaholic. I'm totally addicted to this social network. Not only for the connections with old and new friends, but for the fun games they have on the site. My little sister has been bugging me to join Farm Town. I kept telling her that I didn't have the time to play. Well, this morning I decided to join up. I needed a little me time to play and relax. Let me tell you, I love this darn game. I'm more addicted then ever. Is there a facebookaholic group that I should join? I'm going back to play some more right after I publish this post. See I'm addicted!! What's your favorite part of Facebook?

Wishing everyone a happy Thursday!



  1. LOL!! Every one of my friends, it seems like, does Farm Town.. and I just won't do it!! because I know I will love it and become addicted.. so, I am just not going to even try, lol..

    My favorite part is reading everyone's status updates.. it may be mundane, like.. "Jessica just ate yogurt with berries.." but.. still.. it makes me feel closer to the friends that live far, far away.. and even the ones that are close by.. if that makes any sense.. lol, wow, that was a long reply! Have a good day!

  2. Yup, I am officially addicted and in need of a self help group! LOL!

  3. I love FB. I love the flair. I love being able to chat with my friends. I love keeping up with what's going on at my church. I love being able to hook up with my readers. You should look me up...

  4. I am not crazy about facebook. I'm too addicted to blogging:)

  5. You're not alone Mich, I know a lot who are addicted to Farm town, my sisters and cousin are actually bugging me to join and be one of them, until now, I refuse because I know I'll really be hook if I will try this fun game. Enjoy farming!

  6. I was going to say "where have you been?", then I noticed you did a lot of posting yesterday lol. I'm not that into facebook. I have an account and check my friends once in a while, but addicted? maybe no.

  7. Hopping in to wish you a terrific weekend. :)

  8. My kids are addicted to facebook too.


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